
Showing posts from February, 2016

Love is ... when One believes

Love is ... when One believes Love is always there for One, provided One is believing in Love. One creates One's own reality. If One is looking for Love, One will find Love. If one is looking for solitude, one will find solitude. In order to find Love for self, One have to filled with Love at first, because only Love will attract Love. One, filled with Love, starts filling out Love in everything. In turn, attracts more Love and continue filled with Love... filling out Love. P. S. The universe presents the face that the observer is looking for, and when she looks for a different face, the universe changes its mask. – Heisenberg.

Thanksgiving Prayer of Love

One give thanks for all that ever was... One give thanks for all that is... One give thanks for all that ever will be... One was, what One was then, because Love prayed for One... One is, what One is today, because Love is praying for One... One will be, what One will be tomorrow, because Love will pray for One... One give thanks to all, who prayed for One... One give thanks to all, who are praying for One... One give thanks to all, who will pray for One... One was, what One was then, because of the Love, One received... One is, what One is today, because of the Love, One is receiving... One will be, what One will be tomorrow, because of the Love, One will receive... One give thanks to all, who loved One... One give thanks to all, who are loving One... One give thanks to all, who will love One...

Love Happens...

One is born with Love, around and within. The first Love One receives is from mother. One grows with Love from family members and friends. As One receives Love, One start giving own Love to all others One knows.  And then comes the moment, One have to choose the Love for Life, though One have programmed Oneself for living Ones life as One want. Family, friends, and even the society have role for Ones definition of the Love for Life, since One receives Love from them. The way One receives Love from them, and amount of Love One receives from them makes Ones experience and in turn memory of Love. Yet one choose Love for Life, all of sudden, without bothering all definitions of Love for Life based on others experience; cause One can not programme Oneself to choose Love for Life. Love happens... This Love is Ones unique experience, others can not feel what Ones feelings are. Realizing and accepting Love for Life is mystery cause One follows unique laws of Love only k

To Love...

There are two categories, single and married. If one is single, one is not loving anyone else but oneself. If one is married, one is loving to oneself as well as to one's family. There are few, who are loving to everyone, everything equally, unconditionally. The planet Earth is having more than 7.125 billions of human beings. One have limited reach and do not know all other beyond one's reach. There are many human beings, but they live their life far away from one another. Though one knows that there are many human beings, one fails to love them all, since one do not know them in person. The love is illimitable. Love is not limited to persons one knows, but extended to all those, who all are living now. The distance between them is not important. Experiencing other one by own sensory organs is too of no important. Only loving everyone equally is important, from the heart, for the heart, to the infinite.

Knowledge of Prayer

Knowledge of Prayer from Brida by Paulo Coelho "It is through prayers that we commune with God. A prayer, when couched in the words of the soul, is far more powerful than any ritual.” “Because you lack the humility to listen to it and find out what it wants. You’re embarrassed to listen to the urgings of your soul and afraid to take those requests to God, because you think He doesn’t have time to concern Himself with them.” A prayer by teacher - Magus “We are human beings, Lord, and we do not know our own greatness. Lord, give us the humility to ask for what we need, because no desire is vain and no request is futile. Each of us knows how best to feed our own soul; give us the courage to see our desires as coming from the fount of Your eternal Wisdom. Only by accepting our desires can we begin to understand who we are. Amen.”   A prayer by student - Brida “Lord, help me understand that all the good things in li

Knowledge, Transformation, Wisdom

Search of Soulmate From Brida by Paulo Coelho " of the great secrets of magic: the Soul Mate. The whole of man’s life on the face of Earth can be summed up by that search for his Soul Mate. He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his Soul Mate. With the exception of a few creatures who are descended from the angels—and who need solitude in order to encounter God—the rest of humanity will only achieve Union with God if, at some point, at some moment in their life, they manage to commune with their Soul Mate.” “In the Night of Time, when we were separated, one of those parts was charged with nurturing and maintaining knowledge: man. He went on to understand agriculture, nature, and the movements of the stars in the sky. Knowledge was always the power that kept the Universe in its place and the stars turning in their orbits. That was the glory of man—to nurture a