To Know To Love

Perhaps, One don't know what Love is?

To Love is to be Free, not to be Bounded or not to be Possessed;
To Love is to be Perfect, not to be Less or not to be More;
To Love is to be Peaceful, not to be Excited or not to be Depressed;
To Love is to be Present, not to be Past or not to be Future;
To Love is to be Happy, not to be Crying or not to be Worrying;
To Love is to be With, not to be Behind or not to be Ahead;
To Love is to be Glowing, not to be Glare or not to be Dark;
To Love is to be Flowing, not to be Stagnant or not to be Swollen;
To Love is to be Harmonious, not to be Passive or not to be Active;
To Love is to be Ours, not to be Yours or not to be Mine;
To Love is to be Earth, not to be Heaven or not to be Hell;
To Love is to be Living, not to be Dreaming or not be Sleeping;


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