In an attempt to Love...

In an attempt to Love...
Oneself, Others and Else-one.

One loves Oneself a lot,
One loves Others too,
and One loves Else-one...

To love oneself starts with Discovering Oneself,
Accepting Oneself,
Improving Oneself...

To love Others starts with Discovering Others,
Accepting Others,
Improving Others...

To love Else-one starts with Discovering Else-one,
Accepting Else-one,
Improving Else-one...

All Three cases follows same rules/procedures,
One have to Love Oneself, Others and Else-one.
One have to discover Oneself, Others and Else-one as it is.
Accept Oneself, Others and Else-one as it is.
And attempt to improve Oneself, Others and Else-one.

One needs to be balanced and work on simultaneously,
so that One can Love, accept and improve Oneself, Others and Else-one.

P. S.
In the process of discovering Else-one, continue discovering Oneself too.


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