My Living

I am sitting on one of the rock; It’s private shore, at southernmost tip of the city, where my love for astronomy had brought me to. An Arabian sea, facing west side. Many others are taking walk along; many others sitting-n-chatting among. And I am all alone, contemplating on setting Sun far on horizon.

The present moment, beautiful, peaceful moment of life. The sun, shining red; surrounding clouds, changing their colors. The horizon, touching wide sea. The wind, passing through the trees nearby, making some music; the crashing waves, playing a random notes.

The sun is below horizon, the clear sky above with twinkling stars making their appearance.

I am and present moment, harmonious, peaceful and blissful.

It’s nearly past mid night, for reaching my place. Fresh, after the shower, started surfing. There are many advantage of being lonely and I am enjoying, since I had opportunity to, more than five years back. It’s only me and my dreams-n-wishes, with zero obligations for someone special but society as a whole. The world is limited to Love, of own. Restricting to accept inputs from sources well trusted, with no idiot box and any subscription for information provider, spending all of time for self. Thinking about what must be think about, with nothing else to deviate. Interacting with few is what creating more time is.

With soothing music playing on, started writing, whatever thoughts that crops up. Keep on writing. I paused, by picking up the book - started reading. The more time is passing, and started writing again, the new thoughts that are flowing through. Posting some of them on the social networking site.

Sleeping, for waking up before sunrise. Taking morning walk and fresh air as Sun is rising, is what starting of day is.

Getting ready and leaving in search of more... from Love…..


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