With Passion and Abandon

[Gary] I know I’ve thrown a lot at you this semester, but that’s the point, isn’t it? To be inundated, overwhelmed by perspectives and possibilities, because that is what life is offering you if you choose to look at it that way. And I didn’t always. I used to believe that reality was objective, immutable. And we’re all just sort of stuck in a Plato-Descartes-Kant sort of way.


[Gary] But over the years, I’ve come to believe that the truth is created through the integration of different points of view, and there are no absolutes, whether moral or epistemological. Now, I find this to be a much more empowering way to go through life, this notion that if the universe is not fixed, then neither are you, and you really can become a different and hopefully, better person. Now, the one thing I know for certain, is your reality will change over time in ways you cannot even imagine, and I urge you to be open for this transformation. So, as we close out this semester, if I have one piece of advice for you moving forward in this complicated world, it is this: seize the identity you want for yourself. And whoever you wanna be after this class, be them with passion and abandon.
One piece of Advice for moving forward in this complicated world.


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