

The White Book 

By Han Kang

Translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith

Portobello Books


Each moment is a leap forwards from the brink of an invisible cliff, where time’s keen edges are constantly renewed. We lift our foot from the solid ground of all our life lived thus far, and take that perilous step out into the empty air. Not because we can claim any particular courage, but because there is no other way. Now, in this moment, I feel that vertiginous thrill course through me. As I step recklessly into time I have not yet lived, into this book I have not yet written. - Page 7

All whiteness

With your eyes, I will see the deepest, most dazzling place within a white cabbage, the precious young petals concealed at its heart.

With your eyes, I will see the chill of the half-moon risen in the sky.

At some point those eyes will see a glacier. They will look up at that enormous mass of ice and see something sacred, unsullied by life.

They will see inside the silence of the white birch forest. Inside the stillness of the window where the winter sun seeps in. Inside those shining grains of dust, swaying along the shafts of light which slant onto the ceiling.

Within that white, all of those white things, I will breathe in the final breath you released. - Page 161


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